各体检人员: 根据新冠疫情防控需要,在业务开展期间,建议如下: 1、办理出入境体检及其他业务,请提前预约,并能出示“粤康码”及14天行程记录; 2、办理业务人员请确保自己无发热、乏力、干咳等呼吸道症状,无疫区旅行史、无确诊或疑似新型冠状病毒肺炎患者接触史; 3、前来办理业务的人员,请务必做好个人防护措施,戴好口罩并配合中心做好体温筛查和《流调表》填报; 4、办理业务需要预检分诊,如一楼预检分诊处没有工作人员,请拔打下方电话。
业务办事时间:星期一~五 8:30—11:00AM 佛山国际旅行卫生保健中心 REMINDER
According to the needs of novel coronavirus epidemic prevention and control, the following suggestions are made during the opening: 1. For entry-exit physical examination and other business, please make an appointment in advance and show the "yuekang code" and the 14 day trajectory; 2. To handle business personnel, please make sure you have no respiratory symptoms such as fever, fatigue, dry cough, without affected travel history, without known or suspected new coronavirus pneumonia patients contact; 3.Personnel who come to handle business should take personal protective measures, wear masks, and cooperate with the center to complete body temperature screening and health declaration card filling; 4.If there is no staff in the Pre inspection on the first floor, please dial the phone below.
Business hours:Monday to Friday 8:30-11:00AM
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